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We have the industry, technology, and contact center experience to help you succeed.


Reporting Engine Solutions are Designed for You

Call Center Software

We have the industry, technology, and contact center experience to help you succeed. Reporting Engine’s solution will equip you with a system designed to support all types of industry and business applications. Whatever your role in the organization – whether you are an agent, contact center manager, customer service executive, sales manager, or technical/IT manager – Reporting Engine will help you achieve your goals. Whether your goal is to improve customer service, employee retention and productivity or sales effectiveness, Reporting Engine puts the tools in your team’s hands to unlock their full potential to generate amazing outcomes for your business.


Self Serve Reporting

What makes The Reporting Engine® radically different from any performance management reporting tool on the market starts with the fact that once the setup is completed no programming is ever required by any user.

Once we finalize the setup, everyone can generate any report about their agents or queues, navigate through time periods, drill down to demographics, filter any criteria and choose any indicator without relying on programmers or Excel gurus.

Reporting from multiple data sources (ex.: telephone, sales, WFM, quality etc), for multiple locations, for multiple business units in one place. Amalgamated and roll-up summaries at every level of the organization.



Users can change to the language of their choice, for both the interface and the reports, on-the-fly – English, Spanish and French. (Other languages can be added)


Coach the coaches

Smart reports provide more than just the opportunity for supervisors to evaluate and coach their agents, but managers can evaluate their supervisors, and senior managers can evaluate their managers and so on, all the way up your organization.


Customizable demographics

Smart reports will not only tell you when someone is or isn’t meeting their goals, it will also tell you, for example, that agents with the same years of service, or the same schedule or who had the same training, are not meeting their objectives. Custom demographics bring a new level of insight to your decision-makers.

light bulb


Have multiple data sources all in a single simplifiedBI power with fast roll-out and no-training-required self-serve user interface. point of reference.

Contact Center managers can jump in and start analyzing data themselves, rather than wait for IT to run complex reports.

This kind of access to information helps users back up ~ with hard numbers ~ business decisions that would otherwise be based only on gut feelings and anecdotes.

Empower your management teams to make even better decisions today.


Powered With Every Tool Needed for Smooth Customer Support and Efficient Sales

Contact centers are increasingly looking to use cloud computing to speed up business innovation, empower their end-users and improve overall data-center efficiency.

Whether you run outbound, inbound, blended telephony operations, our cloud contact center solution is packed with tools to make its workings smoother and more effective. Since it is a cloud-based solution, you will be set up in minutes. You can scale with ease, manage distributed or remote workers, and get access to advanced reporting, analytics, and customer experience features without a hassle.

Cloud provides a low-cost, highly scalable environment capable of handling the massive volume. Experience our contact center solution by scheduling an appointment with one of our experts today.

cloud solutions


  • Our custom demographics help leaders discover new areas of improvement related to processes. This amounts to less pressure on agents which translates to a more positive work environment.
  • Our 'Big Picture' first design helps put context on agent performances. Make more effective use of your team leaders time and avoid wasting time coaching the wrong people.
  • Our customizable performance indicators are based on best-of-class contact centers that created the highest motivated workforce.
empower employees