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Call Center Reports, Dashboards, and Analytics

A thriving business focuses on its customers and adapts to fit their needs.

So, if you want your business to flourish, you must review every process for your clients’ benefit.

You need to offer the best possible services and/or products, and deliver stellar support once a purchase has been made.

Of course, this translates into how well your call center operates.

So, how well does your customer center operate?

If you’re unsure what to answer or have a vaguely formed idea, you need to work on your call center reports and analytics.

The reasoning is simple: the more you know about your call center, the better management decisions you’ll make, and the more satisfied and loyal your clients will grow.

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10 Tips to Improve Call Center Management

To get your call center closer to success, you need a clear vision of call center management best practices.

Not only that, but you need to set in place a set of management strategies that require a bit more work.

Luckily, several call center software tools can help you achieve better call center productivity and effectiveness.

However, for all the pieces to fit together, you need a unifying vision from recruiting agents to overseeing administrative tasks.

In this article, we’ll go over 10 tips to improve call center management for you to discover a safe path to increased call center performance.

As always, The Reporting Engine will provide essential aids throughout your journey.

Let’s begin.

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Everything You Need to Know About Cloud-Based Software

Curious to learn how cloud-based computing can help your business?

In this article, we’re going to disclose everything you need to know about the cloud in general and cloud-based call center reporting software in particular.

Let’s begin.

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Calculate and Improve Schedule Adherence for Contact Centers


The success of your business’ call center depends on how well employees perform when servicing customers.

However, optimizing their workflow is a complicated process that needs to take into account several variables.

Today we’ll focus on an often-overlooked management metric that has, in fact, a tremendous impact on businesses’ outcomes: schedule adherence.

In this article, we’re going to explain what schedule adherence is, why it is crucial, and how to calculate it to improve your rates and — as a result — boost your performance.

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How to Know if Your Business Needs A Reporting Engine?


The data and information around the globe are increasing at a rate of knots.

One of the reasons behind such rapid growth of data is the increase in data-producing devices.

For every business, it is becoming essential to managing their data and information effectively.

Businesses these days must pay close attention to managing their data and information.

This is because it will allow you to keep a check and balance on your company’s growth.

Moreover, it will also enable you to figure out the changes your data needs and make room for improvement.

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Calculate Call Center Shrinkage Blog


Call center managers are often at a loss regarding their contact center’s actual productivity and overall efficiency.

The difference between the number of your agents available to handle customer’s queries against agents unavailable at a particular point in time is known as shrinkage.

Lowering your shrinkage is very important to enhance productivity in your contact center.

You can learn how to calculate and control shrinkage as you read on.

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What Is Customer-Centric


The heart of every business is its customers. Customer-centric is a policy in which businesses place the utmost value on customers’ needs and build and foster a good relationship. It aims to ensure a fulfilling event for customers and promote a long-lasting relationship between customers’ business owners.

Businesses thrive due to customer’s patronage, and continuous patronage depends on their satisfaction. Incorporating Customer Relationship Management (CRM) with deliberate customer-centric measures provides you with vital information that you may need to understand the customer’s needs and how you can please them.

You can gather accurate data with the help of reporting software that may be beneficial to you. The collection of customers’ data cannot be overemphasized as it serves as the foundation for customer analytics. Some of the importance of the collection of customers data includes :

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Signs You Need A Cloud-Based Phone System


Even if you are currently running a thriving call center, chances are you have heard of the urgency and importance of integrating a cloud-based software to it.

Before we dive into the benefits this new technology could bring to your business, let’s first answer the simple question:

What is a Cloud-Based Software?

Simply put, cloud-based software is a giant infrastructure of software that uses applications to help you accomplish different tasks and duties.

These are the tasks that develop as a consequence of you running a successful business. You do not need much to log into the cloud.

All you need is a mobile device or laptop, and a steady Internet connection, and you are good to go.

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Top Call Center Reporting Practices

call center agents

Most companies in the world today share the same goals.

For all good reasons, company leaders understand the need to align their goals with the
reporting strategy adopted by the organization.

However, the task of communicating these strategies to the call centers is a daunting task.

Improvement in technology, rise in demands, and many other reasons account for most call
centers’ lousy reputation.

Although it is not entirely the business fault, the approach to business and customer
relationships has seen a dramatic change.

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Top Trends in Business Intelligence for your Contact Center


What is Business Intelligence?

Business Intelligence is a general term for a variety of tools that improve decision-making for companies and their management teams.

Business intelligence (BI) involves a combination of business analytics, sophisticated data processing, data visualization, data tools, and infrastructure, using the best practices to facilitation organizational decision making.

A sound BI system will allow you to view your organization’s data in a timely and comprehensive manner.

A BI platform helps you identify inefficient practices, and changes in market supply or demand quickly and easily.

You must be able to use the data to make the necessary changes to your organizational structure or practices.

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